E-Spray Electrostatic Spray Fogger
E-Spray is lightweight and very comfortable, powered by a lithium battery that allows you to carry out hygienization for several hours, freely and anywhere, without being tied down by a cable. The solution is sprayed in very small and light drops, which reach every point of the area to be treated and settle effectively. Through the electrostatic charge, the drops are attracted by the targeted surface and while laying down, they create a sanitizing coating.
- 360-degree coverage
- Rapid sanitisation
- Includes 1 Battery & 1lt Tank
Customer Questions and Answers
Q. Why do you need an E-Spray fogger machine?
A. Germs and bacteria spread and multiply very fast, quickly settling in tight corners and hidden spots like keyboards, phones and every other nook and cranny. Dark, warm and damp spots are an ideal breeding ground for germs and are often hard to reach through traditional cleaning methods. E-spray allows the solution to be evenly distributed across the entire surface. Providing 360-degree coverage, even in these hard to reach areas. In addition, effective disinfecting by hand can take a very long time and may require prohibitive costs. E-sprays rapid distribution quickly applies complete coverage to surfaces. Guaranteed to drastically reduce sanitisation time.
Q. How does the E-Spray Electrostatic Fogger work?
A. Electrostatic hygienization allows the coating of a surface quickly and evenly with a sanitizing solution. The electrostatic applicator provides an electrical charge to the solution. The charged molecules repel each other, so they keep an even distance from each other but, at the same time, they are attracted to the surface to be treated. The strength of the charged particles is greater than that of gravity, so they are immediately attracted by the surface and do not fall to the ground. This ensures that all the particles of the solution settle on the surface, thus creating a 360-degree coverage, without leaving out any areas.
Q. What's the difference between Electrostatic Fogging and Fogging?
A. Typical fogging is used predominately for the application of biocides, fungicides and pesticides. Fogging equipment generates a fog or mist of Ultra Low Volume (ULV) droplets which vaporise airborne or surface-based pathogens. Electrostatic spraying is a way of applying a very thorough, even coating of disinfectant or sanitiser. When sprayed through an electrostatic sprayer, a positive charge is applied to the solution. This created a 3D-wrapping effect, allowing the disinfectant to wrap around and evenly coat all types of surfaces for complete coverage.
Q. How long does E-spray fogging last?
A. This depends on the solution used. We recommend Byotrol 4-in-1 multisurface cleaner and disinfectant which provides 24-hour protection.
Q. How long can the E-Spray fogger operate for?
A. The E-spray fogger can sanitize for up to 8 hours of continuous use.
Q. Does the E-Sprayer leave a residue?
A. The sanitisation solution used is micronized into small particles, which dry quickly and do not wet the surfaces and do not create droplets.
Q. Is the E-spray fogger safe to use on and around electronics?
A. Electrostatic disinfection can be safely performed around electronics such as laptops, monitors and keyboards as long as it's not applied directly at close range.
Q. Is fogging safe for the person applying it?
A. Providing its correct usage in line with manufacturers guidelines, it is safe for the person applying it and other people around it. Masks and protective equipment are not required.
Q. Can the E-Spray Fogging Machine kill COVID-19?
A. This depends on the solution used in the fogging machine. We recommend Byotrol 4-in-1 multisurface cleaner and disinfectant which is proven to kill COVID-19 on surfaces and provides 25-hour protection.